Practical Strategies to Support Anxiety in SEN students

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Practical Strategies to Support Anxiety in SEN students – SEN students, particularly those with ASD, are statistically more likely to suffer anxiety. We can’t get rid of anxiety but we can learn to manage it so it doesn’t become overwhelming. This session will look at why that is and will look at how interventions can be modified to be used with SEN students, as well as providing other tools and strategies to that can be used immediately. Focused on empowering the SEN student to support their own mental health the webinar will also discuss the language and approaches we should take when supporting SEN students with anxiety.

First published April 2021

Samantha Garner is a mental health practitioner and published author. She is an ex-SENCo ( Special Educational Needs Coordinator), a qualified cognitive behavioural therapist, and child and adolescent counsellor who has written her own Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) mental health programmes used in schools worldwide. Lauded for her honesty and humour, Sam travels nationally and internationally to train and speak at conferences.


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