
This 2 hour clourse explores the concept of place value and how to teach it effectively. 

Author: Judy Hornigold

Judy is an educational consultant specialising in Maths and learners with dyscalculia and dyslexia. Her teaching career started in primary schools before she moved into teaching children with special needs. Judy delivers key notes, workshops and training in Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and Maths Mastery across the world, including New Zealand, Australia and Dubai.  

Judy co-founded the Dyscalculia Association alongside Professor Steve Chinn in 2018. 



Help! My Child Has Dyslexia (LDA), 2011. 

Dyscalculia Lesson Plans Books 1 and 2 (TTS) 2014 

Dyscalculia Pocketbooks (Teachers’ Pocketbooks) 2015 

Making Maths Visual and Tactile (SEN Books) 2016  

Understanding Maths Difficulties (OUP) 2017 

Can I tell you about Dyscalculia? (JKP) 2020 

Awesome Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties (JKP) 2021 

Strategies for those who learn differently: GCSE Maths Publication-due late 2021 


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