“Can’t Learn, Won’t Learn, Don’t Care”

£79.00 (Inc. VAT)

This is a three part course from Fintan O’Regan, one of the leading behaviour and learning specialists in the UK. The course will demystify 3 diagnostic terms: 
Those that can’t learn but want to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 
Those that push you away Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and, Those that have a different agenda all together Conduct Disorder (CD) or Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). 
Fintan outlines how the key terms of Structure, Flexibility, Rapport, Relationships and Role Models (SF3R) can help those that can’t, to can, those that won’t, to want to and those that don’t, to do. 
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This is a three part course from Fintan O’Regan, one of the leading behaviour and learning specialists in the UK. The course will demystify 3 diagnostic terms: 
Those that can’t learn but want to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 
Those that push you away Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and, Those that have a different agenda all together Conduct Disorder (CD) or Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). 
Fintan outlines how the key terms of Structure, Flexibility, Rapport, Relationships and Role Models (SF3R) can help those that can’t, to can, those that won’t, to want to and those that don’t, to do. 
Fin O’Regan MA, PGCE BSc
He is currently an ADHD and Neurodiversity Consultant and Trainer.
He was the Head teacher of the Centre Academy from 1996 -2002, which was the first specialist school in the UK for students between the ages of 7-19 specialising in issues related to ADHD, ASD and ODD.
He is an associate lecturer for Leicester University, the National Association of Special Needs, the Institute of Education and the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity. Fin is a member of the Special Needs Consortium and sits on the Council of CReSTeD.
He has written a number of books and published articles on the subject of ADHD, ASC, ODD and Neurodiversity and has conducted over 2000 presentations both nationally and internationally to schools, social services, businesses, adoption and health agencies, the Police and Housing services
Further details of training courses can be found on his website.
• Cooper P and O’Regan F (2001) EDUCATING children with ADHD: Routledge Falmer Press
• O’Regan F (2002) How to teach and manage children with ADHD: LDA a division of McGraw- Hill
• O’Regan F (2005) ADHD : Continuum International
• O’Regan F (2005) Surviving and Succeeding in SEN Continuum International
• O’Regan F (2006) Challenging Behaviours Teachers Pocketbooks
• O’Regan F (2006) Troubleshooting Challenging Behaviours Continuum International
• O’Regan F (2008) The Small Change 2 BIG DIFFERENCE series Hyperactive, Inattentive and Disorganised, Special Direct
• O’Regan F (2018) Successfully Managing Children ADHD Second edition :Routledge Falmer Press
• O’Regan F (2020) Supporting behaviour in the classroom: Sage publications limited
• Cave S and O’Regan (2022) Attention difficulties: How to help: Pavillion books group:
Forthcoming Beezer and O’Regan Difficult, Defiant and Different JK 2023
Ebooks from www.fintanoregan.com
• O’Regan F (2020) 100 top tips for Supporting Parents with Children with ADHD
• O’Regan F (2018) Supporting children with ADHD: Learning Behaviour



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