Supporting Pupils Who Self Harm

What do we mean by self-harm? How do we identify pupils who are self-harming? Who might be at risk? How do we support in times of crisis? What on-going care and support can we offer? First published March...
Literacy in Schools: the whys, whats and hows of supporting our students!

Supporting Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma

An increasing number of our children have experienced adverse childhood experiences and trauma, especially during the challenges of the last year. During this introductory session Lorraine will outline what ACESs are, who is affected by them and how schools can...
Literacy in Schools: the whys, whats and hows of supporting our students!

Supporting neurodiverse GCSE Maths students

Supporting neurodiverse GCSE Maths students. This webinar is based on the book GCSE maths for neurodiverse learners, written by Judy Hornigold and Rose Jewell. It will offer many practical strategies for teaching the topics that students tend to struggle with the...